The Warsaw University of Technology is implementing the project entitled "Warsaw University of Technology as an Ambassador of Innovation for Accessibility" co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, Priority axis III - Higher education for the economy and development, Measure 3.5 Comprehensive university programmes.
The project includes 7 tasks:
- Task 1 Creation of the Centre for Universal Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology
- Task 2 Elimination of architectural barriers
- Task 3 Creation of a Spatial Visual Identification System and information on the accessibility of the Faculty's buildings and grounds
- Task 4 Creation of an indoor navigation system in selected buildings of the University of Technology
- Task 5 Increasing the competences of the employees of the University of Technology in the area of contact with disabled persons (training)
- Task 6 Improving the accessibility of IT tools used in the WUT
- Task 7 Creation of Accessibility Maps of the WUT buildings