Gender Equality Plan

Gender Equality Plan 

Gender Equality Plan at WUT was implemented by Regulation No. 34/2022 of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology on May 16, 2022. regarding the implementation of the "Gender Equality Plan for 2022-2024" for Warsaw University of Technology.

The Gender Equality Plan was developed to plan actions that respond to the needs and expectations of all members of the academic community in the area of gender equality and to ensure a balance between private and professional life (known as work-life balance). Identifying needs and proposing and implementing specific actions, in addition to fulfilling the University's commitments and recommendations from the European Commission regarding the implementation of the gender equality plan, can make it a more welcoming workplace. 

The Gender Equality Plan for the Warsaw University of Technology is based on the following legal acts: 

  1. Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997 (Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 78, item 483).
  2. Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 5, 2006, on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (Official Journal of the European Union L 2006.204.23).
  3. Act of February 25, 1964, Family and Guardianship Code (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1359, as amended).
  4. Act of April 23, 1964, Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1740, as amended).
  5. Act of June 26, 1974, Labor Code (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1320, as amended).
  6. Act of June 6, 1997, Criminal Code (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1444, as amended).

and  refers to best practices described in other documents, such as the 'European Charter for Researchers' and the 'Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.'

The document consists of two main parts, namely diagnosis and the identification of goals and actions planned for implementation in the current term, i.e., until 2024. Many units of the University were involved in the development of the Gender Equality Plan at Warsaw University of Technology. 

Strategic goals and actions in the field of gender equality at WUT for the years 2022-2024

Strategic goals and actions in the field of gender equality at WUT for the years 2022-2024 are a complementary contribution to both the "Development Strategy of the Warsaw University of Technology until 2030" and the "Social Responsibility Strategy of the Warsaw University of Technology." The goals and actions listed below were developed for the most frequently signaled problems and possible future solutions by representatives of the academic community. In the case of unspecified views on certain issues, further diagnosis was left open. 

The following main goals and actions aimed at their implementation were developed: 

  1. Goals and actions in the area of organizational culture and work-life balance. 
    1. Striving to support individuals working and studying at Warsaw University of Technology in achieving a balance between professional life, education, and personal life, with particular consideration for the needs of individuals caring for children and other dependents. 
    2. Striving to support individuals returning to work/studies at Warsaw University of Technology after prolonged sick leave, paid or unpaid leave, and in the case of maternity/paternity/parental/caregiver leave. 
  2. Goals and actions in the area of maintaining gender balance at the managerial and decision-making levels.
    1. Striving to unlink electoral processes from the gender of candidates for managerial positions and expert teams.
  3. Goals and actions ensuring the maintenance of balance in career development.
    1. Striving to unlink access to professional advancement and compensation from gender.
    2. Striving for gender-independent participation opportunities in recruitment processes and promoting women's affiliation with the "engineers" community to strengthen their image as equal members of the academic community.
    3. Striving for a stereotype-free and supportive approach to scientific and professional careers for individuals studying or working at Warsaw University of Technology, encouraging them to move away from stereotypes. 
  4. Goals and actions in the area of integrating the gender dimension into research and teaching content. 
    1. Striving for equal treatment of gender needs when formulating assumptions and implementing solutions for the society.
    2. Striving for gender-independent respect for the dignity of others by members of the academic community and the division of tasks within research teams. 
    3. Striving to raise awareness among University authorities, heads of organizational units, etc., regarding gender-based discrimination based on periodically conducted diagnoses.
  5. Goals and actions in the field of combating gender-based violence, including preventing sexual harassment.
    1. Striving to increase awareness among internal stakeholders about the principles of equal treatment and combating unequal treatment and mobbing.
    2. Striving to prevent the consequences of unequal treatment and mobbing at the University.

More: Full content of the Gender Equality Plan for 2022-2024 for the Warsaw University of Technology

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