Development Strategy of the Warsaw University of Technology until 2030

Development strategy of the Warsaw University of Technology was introduced by Regulation No. 67/2022 of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology on November 2, 2022 regarding the principles of implementation and realization of the Development Strategy of the Warsaw University of Technology until 2030.

Development strategy is a key document that outlines the directions for the actions of Warsaw University of Technology over the next decade. It defines the vision of the University, outlines its mission, and identifies the core values guiding its community members. The strategy presents a set of strategic goals in all areas of operation, supplemented by lists of operational objectives and planned actions aimed at their achievement. The development of this strategy was preceded by a series of in-depth analyses, and the results were formulated in the form of a SWOT analysis, indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the University, as well as the opportunities and threats posed by internal and external factors.

Vision of the Future of Warsaw University of Technology:

Attaining the status of a European center for education

Education is an essential element of the mission of Warsaw University of Technology, just as important as research. The University aspires to the status of a European center for education—an institution open to students from around the world, employing modern and effective teaching methods, with a significant component of project-based activities and a strong connection between education and research. It aims to create new educational programs linked to priority research areas and the needs of the socio-economic environment. It also plans to develop interdisciplinary and interdepartmental programs and strengthen collaboration with leading technical universities in Europe under the European Universities initiative, as well as with top universities from other geographical areas. Additionally, the University seeks to expand its English-language education offerings, aiming to open the University to international students while providing our students with the opportunity to pursue part of their studies at renowned foreign institutions.

Achieving a leading position as a center contributing groundbreaking knowledge and shaping future technology trends in the country and Europe

Warsaw University of Technology aspires to be a leading center in the country and Europe, making a pioneering contribution to knowledge and shaping trends in the development of future technologies. This requires continuous engagement with cutting-edge technologies and staying abreast of the needs emerging in a dynamically evolving environment. Therefore, establishing ongoing collaboration with the business environment and building mechanisms to support innovative initiatives are crucial elements of WUT's development strategy.

Attaining the status of a significant European and global research and educational center

Warsaw University of Technology, aspiring to the status of a significant European and global research and educational center, also clearly recognizes its role as a significant element of the local innovation and education ecosystem. By seeking to strengthen ties with Warsaw and the Mazovia region, as well as building cooperation with local government units, public sector institutions, businesses, and fostering integration and collaboration among the capital's universities, this goal becomes achievable.

Warsaw University of Technology as a friendly workplace.

The Development Strategy places considerable emphasis on improving the management of the University and the efficient use of its resources. The goal is to create a modern and efficient organization that cares for its employees and infrastructure. Warsaw University of Technology is strong due to the diversity of competencies among its academic and teaching staff. Utilizing this potential requires integrating the efforts of teams from various units and scientific disciplines, making the establishment of mechanisms that motivate such collaboration one of the priorities for the coming years.