The Rector’s Proxy for Equal Treatment

The Rector’s Proxy for Equal Treatment at Warsaw University of Technology was appointed by Regulation No. 203/2021 of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology on August 5, 2021. 

The Proxy operates in the field of equal treatment for all employees, students, and doctoral students at Warsaw University of Technology, forming the university community.

The Rector’s Proxy for Equal Treatment until the end of the 2020-2024 term is Jolanta Korkosz-Gębska, PhD.

The tasks of the Rector’s Proxy for Equal Treatment include: 

  1. Monitoring the situation regarding equal treatment at Warsaw University of Technology;
  2. Presenting initiatives to the university authorities aimed at implementing the principle of equal treatment at Warsaw University of Technology, particularly by preventing and eliminating manifestations of direct and indirect discrimination, mainly based on gender, ethnic origin, nationality, religion or belief, worldview, political views, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital and family status;
  3. Participating in the creation of procedures aimed at equal treatment of all persons indicated in Art. 1 paragraph 2;
  4. Appealing to the Rector with an initiative to issue new or amend existing internal legal acts concerning equal treatment at Warsaw University of Technology;
  5. Promoting, disseminating, and propagating the issues of equal treatment, including conducting activities to raise awareness about equal treatment, discrimination, its manifestations, and methods and strategies to counteract it;
  6. Cooperating with the university ombudsman;
  7. Cooperating with organizational units of Warsaw University of Technology and other Delegates of the Rector in the field of education and promotion of attitudes conducive to tolerance and respect for diversity, as well as in preventing discriminatory behaviors;
  8. Collaborating with organizational units of Warsaw University of Technology and other representatives appointed by the Rector in the field of education and promoting attitudes conducive to tolerance and respect for diversity, as well as in the scope of preventing discriminatory behaviors;
  9. Representing Warsaw University of Technology in national and international bodies dealing with equal treatment issues;
  10. Presenting an annual report to the Rector on their activities, serving as the basis for implementing programs and actions at the University to counteract discriminatory practices at Warsaw University of Technology.
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